Monday, August 9, 2010

We said, "Goodbye," to an amazing lady today!

Faye Rigby was my great-grandfather, Howard's cousin's wife. But to us she was much more than that! She was a woman with an amazing smile, fantastically magnetic personality and a remarkable ability to bring love every where she went. She also always reminded me of my own amazing grandma Margo, who passed away when I was 12. When I was around Faye I always felt my gradma around. She loved everyone!
Matt and I headed out to Wyoming on Friday to watch his brother, Scott, show his last 4H steer at the Sweetwater County Fair (he made $1.85 a pound, which came out to be just over $2100). We then made our way to Idaho for Faye's beautiful funeral. After a total of 588 miles traveled, we are home and ready to sleep for a few days. We love being with family, having adventures and celebrating the lives of our loved ones. 
We will miss Faye, but we know that she is keeping her husband, Max and my grandparents company! Oh, how I would love to hear the conversations they're having right now. Probably about us :) We love you, Faye!
Have a great week everyone! Don't forget to tell everyone how much you love them!
E + M

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